Special Requests

Use this procedure to request multiple copies of a title for book groups etc. as per the Special Requests Policy. Libraries can be as creative as they want with their requests. Lending libraries can decide to send material or not depending on the terms.

Requests that comply with the Network Transfer Guidelines should be requested via the normal holds process.


  1. Requesting library fills out special request form online. An email will be distributed to designated recipients in libraries. (Sample email)
  2. Lending library decides to fill the request and takes books off shelf. The delivery slip should be addressed to the attention of the contact person at the requesting library.
  3. Lending library checks book out to special patron indicated in request and puts it in delivery.
  4. Requesting library receives item and checks it out to book group, hold shelf etc.
  5. Requesting library circulates item to patron.
  6. Requesting library returns item to owning library. If requesting library decides to keep the item for further circulations, the library must check material out to special card or “in transit” status will remain.
  7. If hold exists, requesting library must fill hold with the item.

Things to Keep in Mind

Borrowing libraries can keep track of items being sent by checking the special patron for the bookgroup. Books checked out to the patron are either on their way or already at the library.

If the borrowing library sees that enough copies are on their way, an email can be sent directly to special-request@noblenet.org indicating that no further copies are needed.

Special cards for book groups must be coded with a PTYPE of Special so circulations will not be counted.

Because this procedure does not use the holds process, books received at the borrowing library will want to go back home upon checkin. Borrowing libraries must alert staff that special materials are being delivered.

Distribution List

Email messages requesting material are sent to an email distribution list called special-request@noblenet.org. Libraries who want to be able to respond to special requests can join the list below:

To subscribe, enter full e-mail address