Working Groups, FY2025

All working group meetings are open to any interested library staff in NOBLE.

Advocacy Committee

The NOBLE Advocacy Committee helps plan the Legislative Breakfast and other related events. The group also engages in activities that highlight the value of library services for legislators who are voting on funding and issues important to libraries. Staff from any sector of library services are welcome to join this committee.

Working Group Page

Collection Management Team

The Collection Management team will study all issues related to cooperative collection management within NOBLE, including the ongoing collection assessment, standards for the subject strengths list, reports, qualitative evaluation projects, and other measures to understand and enhance the collection of NOBLE as a whole, as well as the collections of our individual libraries.

Working Group Page

Electronic Resources and Database Working Group

This group will study and make recommendations on various issues related to the bibliographic and item database, including cataloging standards and record mapping issues. They are also responsible for making recommendations on the online catalog, other electronic resources, and the integration of electronic resources.

Working Group Page

Resource Sharing Working Group

The Resource Sharing Working Group will assist in revising policies and standards to assure and improve the smooth functioning of resource sharing, and circulation in general. The sharing of resources was one of the founding principles of NOBLE, continues to be our hallmark service, and is key to the significant funding we receive from the Mass. Board of Library Commissioners.

Working Group Page