Sample Special Request Email

Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2007 12:14:05 -0500
From: Martha Driscoll 
Subject: Special ILL Request

Can you lend one or more copies of the item(s) described below to fill a
special request?  If you will be able to send items to fill this request,
please check them out to the special patron indicated and put them in the

Please reply back to me, (,  so I can keep track
of anticipated copies.

Please send to ATTN: Martha Driscoll

LIBRARY: Endicott College

PATRON: 21397000000000

REASON : Display

NEEDED UNTIL: Dec. 20, 2007

AUTHOR : Dickens, Charles

NOTES  : Please send any titles by this author.  We will return all copies not in circulation after Dec. 20.
