List Maker Help

Step-by-Step Examples

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Examples of Reports Based on Status

  • Creating a List of Checkout Out Items — Here’s how you can create a report of all your items that are currently checked out (including or excluding ones with the status Long Overdue.)
    Screencast: Using the List Maker for a List of Checked-Out Items
  • Creating a Status Report — How to create a one-time report of items that have one or more selected statuses, optionally limited by when the items got their currently status (example: items that were given the Missing status before January 1)
  • Scheduling a Status Report — How to create a report that runs on a regular schedule and includes items that have one or more selected statuses, optionally limited by when those items got their current status, for example a shelf-checking report of items that were marked Missing more than 10 months ago.

Examples Using a Batch of Records

Using a Record Query to Create a File of Records