Smithsonian Institution (SIRIS)

The SIRIS Cross Catalog Searching Center allows you to search descriptive records from dozens of Smithsonian libraries, archives and specialized research units. Search over 1.8 million records, with links to images, video and sound files, electronic journals and other resources from all across the Smithsonian.

Depending upon your topic of research, SIRIS may be an excellent starting point. For example, if you are researching a statue or building, you can get all of the relevant information about the creator, dates, materials, styles, etc. from this database and this will assist you in searching additional resources. The database is faceted, allowing you to limit and expand your search according to a variety of attributes.

Sample search: Which of Edward Hopper’s works have Gloucester, Mass. as the subject?

As you can see in this example, I did a basic search for “Edward Hopper.” In the upper left hand corner that I have refined my results by the “Type” and “Topic” facets. These refinements reduce my list to 16 works.

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