How Items Travel around the Network

What happens when an item travels from one library to another

  • To fill a hold for pickup at a different location.
  • To be sent to its owning location after being returned to a non-owing library

How is an item set in transit?

A CHECKIN transaction is performed to set an item in transit. Item fields are updated as follows:

  • STATUS – is set to t IN TRANSIT
  • MESSAGE – is added to the item containing the date and time the item was set in transit, the login that performed the transaction to set the item in transit, and the location to which the item is travelling. For example:

    MESSAGE Fri Apr 10 2009 09:07AM: IN TRANSIT from bev to dana

How is an IN TRANSIT status cleared?

A CHECKIN must be performed at the destination location. Item fields are updated as follows:

  • STATUS – is set to – ON SHELF if the item has arrived at its owning location and there is no hold to fill
  • STATUS – is set to ! ON HOLDSHELF if the item has arrived at the pickup location for a hold.
  • The IN TRANSIT MESSAGE field is removed from the record

What happens if a checkin is performed at a workstation that is not the destination location?

The item will remain with IN TRANSIT status. The MESSAGE will be changed to reflect the date, time and login of the most recent CHECKIN transaction.