Understanding the Holdings Maintenance Screen

The Holdings Maintenance Screen is a useful screen for working with the items your library has attached to a particular bibliographic record. It’s an alternative view to the opac (catalog) view that you get by default when you open a bibliographic record in the staff client. You can switch back and forth between these two views anytime using the options under the Actions for this Record menu. You can also set this screen to be your default by clicking on Set bottom interface as Default under Actions for this Record.

Holdings Maintenance Display

The screen snippet below shows what the display of items looks like in Holdings Maintenance.

[See the Full Screenshot]

In this example, Wakefield has three items attached to this bibliographic record. Two of these are in the adult fiction collection, and one is in the Young Adult fiction collection. Because these have a different call number prefix, the adult items are on one “volume” record and the young adult one is on another.

Configuring the Screen

For this screen to be useful, you will want to change a few options, shown in the screen snippet below:

You should make sure that Show Volumes, Show Items and Hide Empty Libs are all checked.

Also note that by default, this screen is scoped to your library’s holdings by default, even if your original search was unscoped. You can use the scope dropdown to change to NOBLE to see all holdings. (Unfortunately, even with Hide Empty Bibs checked, the list includes all libraries even if they don’t have any copies.) These options are sticky, which means the checkboxes will stay checked from session to session for your workstation until you uncheck them.

It’s also a good idea to use the slide the column picker to select columns for the item display, and to slide the columns drag the columns around and slide them to adjust the width to get the best possible display. Once you have the columns the way you like them, click on Save Column Configuration under List Actions.

Working with the Holdings

This is a useful screen for doing all kinds of item maintenance. If you click on an item to select it, you can use the right mouse button or the Actions for Selected Rows menu to do delete the record, edit it, mark it missing, mark it damaged, request it, add it to a bucket, etc. You can also select multiple items — use Shift-Click to select a range of records, or Control-Click to select individual records.

Adding and Moving Items

This screen is also where you can add more copies to an existing column. For example, if Wakefield gets a second Young Adult copy to add to this record, they would click on the Young Adult volume in the list to select it, and then use the right mouse button or the Actions for Selected Rows menu and click on Add Items.

If they wanted to move one of the adult copies to the young adult collection, they would click on the Young Adult volume line, use the the right mouse button or the Actions for Selected Rows menu and select Mark Volume as Item Transfer Destination. Then they would click on the item they wanted to move, and use the the right mouse button or the Actions for Selected Rows menu and select Transfer Items to Previously Marked Volume.