Transit Details

You may find out the source and destination library of a transit on the Item Status or F5 screen.

Retrieve the item by barcode.

Select the item and go to Alternate View. Select Holds/Transit tab. Transit information is displayed in the In Transit section on the lower part of the screen.
Item Status In Transit Alternate View

The Transit List report can be used as a tool to help manage your incoming and outgoing transits.

To access the Transit List report, select Admin → Local System Administration → Transit List.
Transit List

Pick a date range in Transit Date falls between fields.
Transit Date

Click Retrieve Transits. The button is highlighted.
Retrieve Transits

Those items, which were sent In Transit within the date range, and with an In Transit status, are listed.
Items in Transit List

Note: It is good practice to pull Transit Lists when sending or receiving items to and from other branches. Reconciling the list against the physical items helps ensure your shipments are complete.