Holds Shelf List and Clearing Shelf-Expired Holds

Items with Ready-for-pickup status are on the Holds Shelf List. The Holds Shelf List can help you manage items on the holds shelf. To see the holds shelf list, select Circulation → Browse Holds Shelf.
Circulation Browse Holds Shelf

The Holds Shelf List is displayed. Note the Actions for Selected Holds are available, as in the patron record. You can cancel the holds that have not been picked up by patrons.
Circulation Holds Shelf

Select View Shelf-Expired Holds check-box to list expired holds only. The Clear These Holds button is lit up. Click it and the expired holds will be canceled.
Circulation View Shelf-Expired Holds

Circulation Clear These Holds Button

Retrieve items from the hold shelf and check them in.

Important Notes:If you cancel a ready-for-pickup hold, you must check in the item to make it available for circulation or trigger the next hold in line.

Hold shelf expire time is inserted when a hold achieves on-hold-shelf status. It is calculated according to the individual library’s default hold shelf time expire interval in the Library Settings Editor. See Local Administration Menu.

The clear-hold-shelf function cancels shelf-expired holds only. It does not include holds canceled by patron. Staff need to trace these items manually according to the hold slip date.