Adding a Bill to a Patron Record

Many charges like overdue fines are added to the patron record by circulation processes. There are times, however, when staff need to manually add charges to a patron’s record. In Evergreen, these are known as “grocery” charges. Each library can have their own dropdown menu of billing types, each of which can optionally have a default amount.

For example, your library might have the following billing types:

  • Replacement library card fee: $1.00
  • Museum Pass Late Return Fee: $5.00 (Added to the record as a manual charge because the museum pass is not checked out on Evergreen
  • Printing fee: No default, because the amount depends on the number of copies

Adding a New Bill
1. Retrieve the patron record and select Bills.

2. Select Bill Patron.

3. Grocery is the only available transaction type. Choose appropriate billing type from the drop-down menu.

4. Enter amount in Amount field and optionally add more information in the in Note field. Click Submit This Bill.

5. The bill will now appear in the patron record along with the other charges in Bills:

Screenshot of Staff Client | Screenshot in Patron Record in the Catalog

Viewing Bill Details
In the Staff Client, you can right-click on a bill and choose Full Details to see more information about the bill, including the note and information about partial payments.