EDI Invoice Processing

EDI Invoices are pulled into Evergreen each morning at 6:30 am, along with EDI order responses (also known as POAs).

To retrieve an invoice for processing, go to Acquisitions/Open Invoices and search for Vendor Invoice ID which is the number printed on the paper invoice.

Invoice Search


Retrieve all open invoices [Invoice – Closed Date => Does Not Exist] and find the invoice in the list. If this is your default search and the Retrieve Results Immediately box is checked, a result list will populate immediately upon going to the Invoice Search tab.

Retrieve Open Invoices

In the results grid, lick on the blue Vendor Invoice Id link to retrieve the invoice.

At the top of the invoice, you can click on the Show Details button to reveal Provider, Shipper, etc. The Receive Method will be EDI. You will see a “Generated from acq.edi_message#…” indicating that this is an EDI invoice.

Check the EDI invoice against your paper copy. Make any changed that are necessary. For example:

  • Detach a line item.
  • Add a charge.
  • Add the fund to a charge.
  • Prorate a charge.
  • Receive Items (button in upper right corner)

When you have finished making changes to the invoice, it is important that you click Close to save and close the invoice.

When the invoice is closed funds associated with the line items are disencumbered and expended.