EBSCO Mobile

URL for EBSCO Mobile

This links works the same way all EBSCO links work, it’s just using a different profile.

When users connect to this URL, EBSCO’s system checks their device’s IP address to see if it falls within a range associated with NOBLE. This could be true even for a mobile device if it’s connecting through your library or campus wireless network. For most mobile users, however, this won’t be true and they will be prompted for barcode. This barcode they use determines which library profile they will be associated with.


EBSCO Mobile Test Link

Bit.ly Version of the EBSCO link:

QR Barcode for EBSCO

This barcode is contains the URL for EBSCO Mobile. Its purpose is to give mobile users an easy way to get that URL into their device without having to key it in. Their device must have a barcode scanner app that knows how use the phone’s camera to scan QR barcodes — there are many of these for various makes and models of smartphones.

The barcode can be scanned from a printed copy or directly from the screen.