Provisional Requests

When a request is provisional, it needs staff intervention before it will move on to a potential lender. Requests can become provisional when:

  • A staff member submits a request that does not contain a patron barcode and ship to location
  • A patron submits a request and they add a note

It is important to check for provisional requests and submit them. Do this by following these steps:

  1. Login to the virtual catalog
  2. Select Provisional Requests from the staff menu
  3. If you see titles listed, click on a title
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the request and select Edit patron information. Make sure the patron’s barcode (patron ID) and pickup location are entered. Click Save changes
  5. If patron notes appear that are important for the lending library to see, then copy them into the borrowing note box.
  6. Scroll to the bottom of the request and select Submit Request

Requests can be in provisional status for more than one reason. It may be necessary to select Submit Request more than once. Make sure your requests says PENDING to insure it has gone through.