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On the come up
Summary:When sixteen-year-old Bri, an aspiring rapper, pours her anger and frustration into her first song, she finds herself at the center of a controversy. -
Summary:"Lu knows he can lead Ghost, Patina, Sunny, and the team to victory at the championships, but it might not be as easy as it seems. Suddenly, there are hurdles in Lu’s way–literally and not-so-literally–and Lu needs to figure out, fast, what winning the gold really means"– -
Summary:"When Rico sells a jackpot-winning lotto ticket, she thinks maybe her luck will finally change, but only if she and her popular and wildly rich classmate, Zan can find the ticket holder who hasn’t claimed the prize"– -
The rose that grew from concrete
Summary:His talent was unbounded, a raw force that commanded attention and respect. His death was tragic — a violent homage to the power of his voice. His legacy is indomitable — remaining vibrant and alive. Here now, newly discovered, are Tupac’s most honest and intimate thoughts conveyed through the pure art of poetry — a mirror into his enigmatic life and its many contradictions. Written in his own hand at the age of nineteen, they embrace his spirit, his energy … and his ultimate message of hope.