NOBLE Executive Board meeting

January 11, 2006



In Attendance: Dennis Kelley, Deb Abraham, Mary Rose Quinn, Sue Koronowski, Elisabeth Tully, Barbara LaChance, Martha Holden , Representing NOBLE- Executive Director Ron Gagnon, Elizabeth Thomsen 


Call to Order: Sue Koronowski called the meeting to order at 2:15 p.m.


Approval of Minutes: A Motion to approve Minutes of December 7, 2005 Executive Board meeting was forwarded by Barbara LaChance, and unanimously approved.


Treasurer’s Report: The Treasurer’s Report was distributed for Executive Board approval.  Ron noted that e-rate discounts are coming through.  During the adjustment period as discounts are applied, invoices may come in with a credit balance, or will come in significantly discounted.  Motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report was forwarded by Deb Abraham and unanimously approved.


Executive Director’s Report


v      Ron reported that the Internet upgrade that was performed this morning went fairly smoothly.  Martha Driscoll is working on resolving minor issues with service to Phillips and Middlesex CC.  The new router was installed as well to better regulate traffic in the system.

v      NOBLE’s server replacement is scheduled to take place tomorrow.  The system will be down during the process of data migration to the new server  After the new training system is installed next week, NOBLE will be able to implement the new Millennium release.  Ron reported that Internet speed will not be greatly improved, but capacity may increase due to local traffic staying within the system and not going out over the public Internet.


v      Elizabeth Thomsen hosted a federated searching demo this morning featuring Central Search by Serials Solutions.  Innovative’s Metafind will be demonstrated Tuesday January 16.  Elizabeth will meet with vendors next week at ALA’s Midwinter Convention and will further explore our options for federated searching.


v      Ron reported that there are two new directors in NOBLE libraries.  Roger Brisson accepted the position at the Gloucester Lyceum and Sawyer Free Library.  Ron distributed copies of a Gloucester Daily Times article that outlined Mr. Brisson’s  professional experience and his desire to create a digital library providing access to Cape Ann resources as well as better access to the wealth of information available  using Internet resources. Ron also reported that the Salem Evening News announced that Howard Curtis has been hired as the new Beverly Public Library Director.  Ron provided a biographical sketch of Mr. Curtis as well.  Ron noted that the Winthrop Public Library has a trustee in charge of its museum located on the Library’s 2nd Floor.  The Museum has extensive local history and Civil War collections.   It was also announced that Endicott is in the process of hiring a new director – Brian Courtmanche, formerly of Rivier College and a former NOBLE library employee.


v      Ron reported that the Legislative Committee met last week.  The Committee is going ahead with the hiring of a lobbyist to advocate for library related issues.  Upcoming legislative events include the Legislative Breakfast on March 3 at Chelmsford, the House Ways & Means Day at the State House on February 1, and Legislative Day on April 5.  Two filtering bills were recently introduced to the legislature.  More information about these will be forthcoming.


Presentation Equipment Upgrade:  A component of NOBLE’s current Action Plan is to upgrade presentation equipment in the conference and training rooms as part of NOBLE’s decision  to renew the current lease in the present location.  Ron outlined the scope of work that includes installing a new ceiling-mounted projector and sound system with four ceiling-mounted speakers and wireless microphone in the meeting room, and mounting the existing projector on the ceiling of the training room as well as purchasing a larger screen for training.  Ron distributed a copy of the quote from ADTECH, a state contract vendor.  The total cost would be $7,288, which Ron recommends purchasing with capital funds.  Mary Rose Quinn forwarded a Motion to transfer $7,288 from capital to purchase and install the presentation equipment per the quote from ADTECH.  Motion was seconded and unanimously approved.


Regional Delivery Label Grant: NOBLE co-signed a NMRLS grant application to acquire funding for the purchase of label printers and related software to facilitate the printing of accurate delivery labels.  NMRLS subsequently decided not to pursue the grant, but to pursue other opportunities instead.  NOBLE will not pursue the grant funding individually, as one of the planned upcoming Millennium releases features the capacity to customize the printing of delivery labels.



Confidentiality Policy Revision, Part II:  The Executive Board reviewed the Confidentiality Policy to follow up on a preliminary review at the December 7, 2005 Executive Board meeting.  A draft policy was created.  The revised policy is designed to provide guidance for staff and ensure better consistency among NOBLE libraries.  Motion to approve the revised Confidentiality Policy was forwarded by Deb Abraham and unanimously approved.  Ron will revise the document for final Executive Board approval.  Executive Board will also work on the Privacy Policy at their next meeting and when completed both documents will be brought to Members for review with a vote at the following Members meeting.



Working Group Update:  Ron reported that all working groups continue to make good progress.   The Electronic Resources and Database Working Group is working on formulating core requirements for federated searching.    The Collection Management Working Group has completed a concordance of LC/Dewey subject areas that will ultimately be put into a SQL database.  Elizabeth reported that preliminary chemistry reports are out.  Elizabeth is preparing a calendar of subject report releases and will coordinate a meeting for participants to share information on how these reports can most effectively be utilized.



Adjournment- 5:00 p.m.


Respectfully submitted:




Martha Holden, Secretary