Minutes of May 12, 2004


In Attendance: Sue Koronowski, Kimberly Lynn, Ron Gagnon, Barbara Lachance, Linda Hummel-Shea, Deborah Abraham, Doug Rendell and Mary Rose Quinn. 


Call to Order: Mary Rose Quinn called the meeting to order at 2:15pm.


Minutes: Doug Rendell moved to approve the minutes of the March 10, 2004 meeting.  Deb Abraham seconded the motion that passed unanimously.


Treasurer’s Report: We are 83% through the year and 74% through the budget.  The Brightmail server was approved and is now in the budget, fortunately there is extra money to cover this unanticipated cost.  Kimberly Lynn moved to approve the report.  Sue Koronowski seconded the motion that passed unanimously.


Executive Director’s Report:

¨       Innovative Users Group meeting in Boston had record-breaking attendance offering more than 100 sessions and exhibits.  Elizabeth Thomsen, Martha Driscoll and Michele Morgan each held programs sharing their expertise.

¨       Ron Gagnon attended MBLC meetings in April and May.  In April NOBLE received an additional $21,000 in grant funding for additional routers.  The Senate level-funded MBLC staff.  We’ll have to see what happens next. 

¨       The June 10 Tech Expo has a great schedule.  The agenda was distributed.

¨       The City of Salem bid is in process and will be opened next Wednesday morning.

¨       There has been no action from the potential new NOBLE members although both Suffolk and Roxbury Community College are still interested.

¨       The ILL center is in the last year of the 3 year contract.  The contract sum to NOBLE will remain the same at $80,000.

¨       New collection assessment reports are being run.  Libraries are now able to print out exactly what they need, and all libraries have access to all reports.

¨       Elizabeth Thomsen and Ron Gagnon attended the MODel preconference to MLA.  NOBLE’s efforts were praised.  The project is off to a good start.  Libraries continue to add images.

¨       Elizabeth Thomsen spoke at MLA on blogging. 


Grant Update and Vote to Authorize Capital Funds for Grant Match

Ron Gagnon reviewed the status of the grant.  Routers and switches were installed at 10 libraries in April.  Only Saugus is set up with the VLAN at this time.  The initial grant funds have been expended.  More than $21,000 additional dollars were received at the April MBLC meeting for 13 new routers.  NOBLE needs to have access to an additional $16,220 from the general capital account to implement the next phase of the project.  Linda Hummel-Shea moved to approve the transfer of $16,220 from the general capital account to the cash account to cover the cost of NOBLE’s grant contribution.  Passed unanimously.


Vote on Special Vacation Request

Elizabeth Thomsen plans to return to China this summer to teach.  Linda Hummel-Shea moved to approve the special vacation request for Elizabeth.  Doug Rendell seconded the motion that was passed unanimously.  Elizabeth’s last day is July 8.  She will return September 3.  The Executive Board wishes her a great trip and wonderful summer.


Status and Option on Internet Connection

NOBLE is currently researching options to increase Internet capacity.  Our current connection is at maximum capacity.  NOBLE still has another year on the contract with Verizon.  Level 3 contracts only go from 2 lines to 4, nearly doubling the cost (to approximately $23,000).  Minuteman has the same problem.  They have opted to get a third line from Towerstream.  NOBLE could do the same but would need a mega-router, and it could only be used for outgoing data.  So far there is no good solution.


Nominating Committee Update

Kimberly Lynn has agreed to continue as secretary.  Tom Scully has agreed to continue as treasurer.


Budget Updates

Winthrop may be funded.  Lynn may be able to hire a few part-time staff, but will probably not be certified because of their hours of operation.  Saugus will only get about 2/3 of their current budget. 


Working Group Updates

¨       ERWG and Database Quality are working together on a proposed policy.

¨       Collection Assessment is meeting regularly and is trying to come up with a way to make the reports more user-friendly.


New Business

Barbara LaChance announced that NMRLS will be starting their strategic plan.  She also noted that Merrimack College has two full-time job openings.


Doug Rendell moved that the meeting be adjourned at 4:20pm.  Kimberly Lynn seconded the motion that passed unanimously.


Respectfully submitted by,




Kimberly Lynn
