Minutes of March 10, 2004


In Attendance: Sue Koronowski, Kimberly Lynn, Tom Scully, Anne Tullson, Ron Gagnon, Barbara Lachance, Diane Smith and Mary Rose Quinn. 


Call to Order: Mary Rose Quinn called the meeting to order at 2:40pm.


Minutes: Sue Koronowski moved to approve the minutes of the February 11, 2004 meeting as amended, as follows: 


The Holds Committee recommended to Executive Board a revision to Network Transfer Guidelines, Section 2, 5th Bullet.  After discussion the Board did not approve the Committee’s proposed recommendation, but did approve the following revision:


            Old Section 2, 5th Bullet: 

·         refrain from requesting popular titles in order to fill a display.

New Section 2, 5th Bullet:

·         refrain from placing holds on titles in order to fill a display.


Tom Scully seconded the motion that passed unanimously.


Treasurer’s Report: Tom Scully reported that we are 2/3 through the year and 62% through the budget.  Kimberly Lynn moved to approve the report.  Sue Koronowski seconded the motion that passed unanimously.


Anne Tullson moved that the Executive Board establish a general policy that the interest earned every month from the Sweep account and Money Market account get posted into the capital account.  Tom Scully seconded the motion that passed unanimously.


Executive Director’s Report:

¨       E-mail: trainers met; Martha Driscoll will be rebuilding the mail server currently operating on older versions of software; Brightmail seems to be the best spam filtering option.  Barbara LaChance moved to authorize NOBLE staff to spend $8,000 to set up Brightmail.  The annual cost is $6,000, plus an additional $2,000 for a server.  Tom Scully seconded the motion that passed unanimously.

¨       Ron met with representatives of six colleges interested in a proxy server.  This authenticates a user once and then allows them to use EBSCO, state, and regional databases without entering their barcode again.  Colleges are interested because they have so many databases.  NOBLE believes this could be done at relatively low cost.  There will be some further investigation.

¨       Ron attended the first meeting to establish a governance process for the virtual catalog that is now residing at UMASS Boston.

¨       Elizabeth Thomsen, Martha Driscoll, and Michelle Morgan are presenting programs at the Innovative Users Group meeting.  Christine Morgan and Ron are also attending.  Elizabeth was elected to serve on the IUG steering committee for a two year term.

¨       Ron is on the steering committee for the next semi-annual Innovative Consortium Partners meeting to be held in September in Grand Rapids.  This group is also working on holds enhancements.

¨       At a recent meeting Rob Maier reported on the state of the FY05 MBLC budget.  Rob is hopeful that line item 7000-9506 will be restored to level funding.  However, Ron and Doug Rendell met with Representative Ted Speliotis who was not overly optimistic.

¨       Elizabeth Thomsen and Ron will attend the Legislative Breakfast in Beverly on Friday the 12th.

¨       Our Internet line is often at maximum.  Ron is looking into the cost of increasing the capacity (Verizon).  Current estimates indicate that we could add an additional line, increasing capacity by 50% for approximately $11,000 per year.


Review of New Networking Grant

This LSTA grant proposal is for new routers and wireless security devices to provide security of data and throughput and dependability for all users.  VLANs will protect staff data from public workstations, and specialized wireless security devices are needed in wireless libraries.  $87,000 will be requested.  NOBLE will have to fund the difference.  The proposal will be submitted by the March 18th deadline.


PC Support Costs for FY05

Ron Gagnon explained the recommendation of raising the pc support costs for FY05 by $5 per pc and $10 on the server.  Sue Koronowski moved to accept the increases in the PC support budget as recommended.  Tom Scully seconded the motion that was passed unanimously.


Potential New Members Discussion

Roxbury Community College and Malden Public Library may be interested in joining NOBLE.  We will invite the directors to attend a NOBLE meeting.  Neighboring library directors may also make contact.


Working Group Updates

¨       ERWG meets tomorrow.  They are looking into creating a FAQ for the catalog.

¨       Database Quality met.  Elizabeth Thomsen wants to let libraries add things to database records under stringent regulations.

¨       Collection Management is meeting soon.


Barbara LaChance moved to adjourn the meeting at 4:35pm.  Tom Scully seconded the motion that passed unanimously.


Respectfully submitted by,




Kimberly Lynn
