Minutes of February 11, 2004


In Attendance: Doug Rendell, Sue Koronowski, Deborah Abraham, Kimberly Lynn, Tom Scully, Anne Tullson, Ron Gagnon, Linda Hummel-Shea, Barbara Lachance, and Mary Rose Quinn. 


Call to Order: Mary Rose Quinn called the meeting to order at 2:10pm.


Minutes: Deborah Abraham moved to approve the minutes of the January 7, 2004 meeting.  Doug Rendell seconded the motion that passed unanimously.


Treasurer’s Report: Tom Scully reported that the NOBLE budget is in good shape.  There was a brief conversation about possible new members.  Linda Hummel-Shea moved to approve the report.  Doug Rendell seconded the motion that passed unanimously.


Deborah Abraham made a motion that the Executive Board approve the transfer of annual cd interest into the capital account.  Tom Scully seconded the motion that passed unanimously.


Executive Director’s Report:

¨       The Governor’s Budget level funds the MBLC but zeroed out the Telecommunications and Resource sharing line.

¨       A Ways and Means Budget Hearing was held at NSCC on February 6. 

¨       The next Legislative Breakfast is March 12.  Mary Rose Quinn will speak about network funding issues.

¨       All e-rate filings are up to date. 

¨       Two EBSCO meetings held on the administrative interface as well as the products.

¨       Direct patron use of the Virtual Catalog was implemented as voted at the last meeting.

¨       NOBLE submitted 76 out of a total of 1,223 III enhancement requests.  Elizabeth Thomsen is a III functional expert and will be able to exert her influence in prioritizing requests.

¨       The IUG annual meeting is in Boston in April.  Reduced registration rates are available through NOBLE.

¨       3 new pcs and 2 flat screen monitors were purchased for NOBLE staff. 

¨       NOBLE hosted the Network Administrators in January.

¨       Marilyn Graves and Ron Gagnon attended two ILL center meetings regarding charging out-of-state libraries for loans.  The experiment was a success with $912 in income and $607 in borrowing fees.  The cost is $12/book.  Also, Marilyn is working on ILL policies with NMRLS and the other ILL center in Andover.

¨       Elizabeth Thomsen is participating in NMRLS’ multi-lingual grant project. 


Approval of New Networking Grant

The original Telecomm Grant distribution funded all of the networks “first priorities.”  NOBLE requested $126,622 and received $42,400.  The new grant proposal is for the remainder of the original LSTA grant.  The funds will be available in the fall.  Tom Scully moved to recommend to the members that NOBLE file this grant application.  Kimberly Lynn seconded the motion that passed unanimously.


Revision of Network Transfer Policy

The Holds Committee recommended deleting the word “popular” in section 2, fifth bullet, to read: refrain from requesting titles in order to fill a display. 


After a lengthy discussion, the Executive Board agreed to support the change, but only because the current technology does not enable library staff to know where (in what library) their items are on display.


Tom Scully moved to approve the Holds Committee recommendation.  Anne Tullson seconded the motion that passed unanimously.


The issue was then referred to the Collection Management committee with the charge to explore options for loaning items for displays.


Review of Waiver Actions of MBLC

Sixty-five libraries were granted waivers; twelve with “reservations.”  Discussion ensued about the Winthrop Library that is scheduled to close July 1. 


Working Group Updates

¨       Mary Rose Quinn reported on adding different search options to the catalog as well as a link to a FAQ about the catalog.

¨       Other groups are currently scheduling meetings.


Doug Rendell moved to adjourn the meeting at 5:00pm.  Tom Scully seconded the motion that passed unanimously.


Respectfully submitted by,




Kimberly Lynn
