Minutes of June 11, 2003


In Attendance: Anne Tullson, Tom Scully, Deborah Abraham, Mary Rose Quinn, Marjorie Hill-Devine, Linda Hummel-Shea, Kimberly Lynn, Ron Gagnon.


Call to Order: Deborah Abraham called the meeting to order at 2:05pm.


Minutes:  Tom Scully moved to approve the minutes of the May 7th meeting.  Mary Rose Quinn seconded the motion.  The minutes were approved unanimously.


Treasurer's Report: Kimberly Lynn moved to approve the Treasurer's Report.  Mary Rose Quinn seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.


Executive Director's Report

¨       Tech Expo is tomorrow, June 12th.

¨       Catalog redesign is scheduled for August 8th.  Training is scheduled.

¨       The MBLC has $340,000 left in the telecommunications and resource sharing line item.  NOBLE may receive $30,000 of it.  

¨       Ron Gagnon will speak at the library bond bill hearing at the State House.  The bill calls for one million dollars a year for the next three years in additional network telecomm funds.  This translates into approximately $100,000 a year for NOBLE.

¨       Lynn branches close this week.  NOBLE staff are working to accommodate the changes in delivery, pickup points, etc.

¨       NOBLE is working with Innovative on the response time patch and a training system patch.  It was discussed that libraries are required to use the Clear Hold Shelf function.  NOBLE will clear the backlog of 70,000 titles.  This may have an impact on response time.

¨       Minuteman is coming up on Innovative later this month.

¨       NOBLE began participation in the Virtual Catalog on June 1st.

¨       There are currently four director vacancies at NOBLE libraries: Endicott, Salem State, Gordon and Bunker Hill.  Mary Todd is the new director in Stoneham and Lorraine Jackson will be the new director in Salem as of June 18th.

¨       Elizabeth Thomsen, Marilyn Graves, and Ron Gagnon will be at ALA in Toronto June 20-24th.


Acceptance of Resignation of Tom Cesarz

Marjorie Hill-Devine moved to accept the resignation of Tom Cesarz who has taken a new position in Connecticut.  Tom Scully seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously. 


Nominations for Vice-President/President-Elect Position

After some discussion, Linda Hummel-Shea nominated Mary Rose Quinn to fill Tom Cesarz’ vacated position of Vice-President/President-Elect.  Kimberly Lynn seconded the motion that passed unanimously.  Further discussion ensued on filling the position Mary Rose vacates.  The Board will meet at 9:45am on Thursday, June 15th before the members meeting to vote on a nominee to recommend to the membership.


New Member Update: Phillips Andover

NOBLE’s new member fee was revisited.  Tom Scully moved that the new member fee for joining NOBLE remain at $25,000.  Linda Hummel-Shea seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.


Tom Scully moved to recommend to the membership to accept Phillips Andover as a member of NOBLE.  Marjorie Hill-Devine seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.


Foundation Grants Update

NOBLE did not receive the Verizon grant.  Deborah Abraham will look for other agencies to fund the project.  Cisco now has a web application that is different from the print version.  Ron Gagnon is making the appropriate changes for submission.


The meeting adjourned at 3:40pm.


Respectfully submitted by,





Kimberly Lynn
