Minutes of January 8, 2003


In Attendance: Tom Scully, Doug Rendell, Martha Driscoll, Deborah Abraham, Mary-Rose Quinn, Kimberly Lynn, Tom Cesarz, Linda Hummel-Shea, Ron Gagnon, Anne Tullson, Elizabeth Thomsen, Marjorie Hill-Devine.


Call to Order: Deborah Abraham called the meeting to order at 2:00pm.


Minutes:  Tom Cesarz moved to approve the minutes of the November 6th meeting.  Tom Scully seconded the motion.  The minutes were approved unanimously.


Treasurer’s Report: Tom Cesarz moved to accept the Treasurer's Report.  Doug Rendell seconded the motion that was unanimously approved.


Director’s Report:

¨       FY03 Objectives were reviewed and are basically on course.

¨       E-rate form 470 was posted with some interest from suppliers on maintenance contract.  NOBLE's Bay Networks/Nortel equipment is becoming archaic.

¨       There was a Virtual Catalog training session on December 18th for NOBLE staff.  An overview will be presented at the February Members Meeting.

¨       NOBLE is getting ready for the III software upgrades.

¨       The Millennium upgrade requires Windows 2000, NT or XP on staff PCs.

¨       The new HP4100 laser printer will pay for itself within a year (reduced maintenance & paper costs).

¨       Preliminary January-June training and meeting calendar posted.

¨       NOBLE staff attended the NMRLS ILL meeting at the Hamilton-Wenham Library in December.  The meeting centered on changes in ILL service and policies.

¨       NOBLE is still looking for a cataloger.

¨       George Lally goes to Seattle for Gates Foundation training.

¨       Elizabeth Thomsen will be speaking at the Innovative Users Group meeting at ALA midwinter.  She will also be speaking at the annual IUG meeting in San Jose.

¨       Some libraries continue to disregard network transfer policies, such as exceeding the number of renewals and allowing longer loan periods.  Ron sent a message to directors and the circulation group in December.  He also spoke with certain offenders.  The problem will be referred to the Holds Committee.  Refresher training sessions will be made mandatory for all libraries.

¨       NOBLE staff reduced use of sick leave by 80% from 2000 to 2002; 16 bonus days were distributed to six employees.


February Meeting Date

The date is changed from February 12 to February 13.  February 12 is Ways and Means Day.


Cover Images in Catalog

The cost to add cover images in the catalog is $3,800 or about $150 per library.  Discussion about the budget crisis ensued and whether or not this is the time to implement this feature.  The Executive Board agreed that NOBLE assessments should increase as little as possible.  The issue should go to the members at the next meeting.


State Virtual Catalog

Ron discovered that the Virtual Catalog has two issues that are in direct conflict with NOBLE's Patron Confidentiality Policy.  The first is that the system retains request and borrower information after a transaction is completed.  The second is that the system only requires a library card number and then displays the customer's name.  Ron sent a letter outlining NOBLE's concerns to Paul Kissman at the MBLC.  The Executive Board authorized Ron, through a vote of the membership at the next meeting, that NOBLE considers these issues a serious breech of confidentiality and that NOBLE will not participate in the Virtual Catalog project until these problems are fixed. 


Approval of Audit

Doug Rendell moved that the Executive Board accept the audit.  Mary Rose Quinn seconded the motion that was approved unanimously.


Employee Handbook Update

Due to a change in insurance, language in the Employee Handbook needed to be amended.  Kimberly Lynn moved to approve the recommended changes.  Anne Tullson seconded the motion.  All approved. 


Patron Registration Policy Revision

Discussion ensued regarding the creation of generic NOBLE library cards for use by colleges who need to issue public cards.  This will be put forth to the membership.  Tom Scully moved to approve the creation and issuance of generic library cards for NOBLE college members.  Linda Hummel-Shea seconded the motion.  All approved.


Working Group Updates

Mary-Rose Quinn reported that the Electronic Resources Working Group was discussing the possibility of including value-added things, such as cover images, to the catalog.  She also indicated that the web site survey is ready to go out.


Meeting Adjourned at 4:00pm.


Respectfully submitted by




Kimberly S. Lynn
