Minutes of October 9, 2002


In Attendance: Deborah Abraham, Linda Hummel-Shea, Anne Tullson, Doug Rendell, Mary-Rose Quinn, Tom Cesarz, Kimberly Lynn, Ron Gagnon.


Call to Order: Deborah Abraham called the meeting to order at 2:00pm.


Minutes: Minutes of the June 12 and September 5 meetings were moved by Tom Cesarz, seconded by Doug Rendell, and approved unanimously.


Treasurer's Report: Tom Cesarz moved to accept the Treasurer's Report.  Anne Tullson seconded the motion.  The vote to accept the report was unanimous.


Executive Director's Report:

Personnel: At a session of the Consortium Partners Meeting at Innovative, Michele Morgan was cited by name by Innovative Director of Customer Services for following reporting requirements to the letter.


MilStats: MilStats testing on the Training System is complete.  The move to the main system will occur shortly. 


Budget Issues:

The MBLC's FY04 budget will not include any increases.  FY03 revenue projections were too high.  The MBLC must reduce the budget by an additional $103,000.  The Commissioners voted to reduce state aid, but this was rejected because of the Cherry Sheets.  Instead, there will be additional reductions in administration, blind and telecomm/resource sharing.


Other network assessments have increased as much as 32% (MVLC).  NOBLE's assessments increased less than 4%.



Rob Maier is the MBLC's new director.


ILL Contract with NMRLS:

The contract has been reduced from $87,000 to $80,000 for the current fiscal year.  However, the decrease is being managed through restructuring procedures and also special reimbursement for shipping and handling costs that had previously been included in the $87,000.   As of November 1, libraries will have to pay handling costs in excess of $15 and $2.50 per item to ship.  Procedurally, the billing will probably occur quarterly, through the Region.



Ron Gagnon distributed and discussed the Fall Training schedule.


Gates Grants:

Everett, Gloucester, Lynn, Revere, Salem and Swampscott will be getting Gates Grant PCs.



Ron Gagnon and Elizabeth Thomsen will be attending NELA in Sturbridge. 


Meeting Schedule:

Ron Gagnon distributed a draft FY03 meeting schedule. Tom Cesarz moved to approve the schedule, Linda Hummel-Shea seconded.  The motion passed unanimously.


FY04 Action Plan:

Ron Gagnon reviewed the proposed FY04 Action Plan.  Discussion ensued.  Linda Hummel-Shea moved to accept the FY04 Action Plan, Kimberly Lynn seconded, all approved.


Appointment of Working Groups:

Members were appointed or re-appointed to the Database Quality Working Group, Electronic Resources Working Group, Holds Committee, and Wireless Committee.


FY03 Technology Plan and E-Rate Update:

Linda Hummel-Shea moved to approve the 1 year update of the Technology Plan, Mary-Rose Quinn seconded, all approved.  Ron Gagnon reiterated that E-Rate/NCIPA compliance forms must be returned to NOBLE by October 23rd.  It was suggested that a reminder be sent to directors. 


The meeting adjourned at 4:00pm.


Respectfully submitted by




Kimberly S. Lynn
