OCTOBER 18, 2007



PRESENT: Seventeen libraries were represented at the meeting, attendance sheet attached.


CALL TO ORDER:  Linda Hummel-Shea called the meeting to order at 10:05.


APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Martha Holden made a motion to approve Minutes from September 27, 2007 meeting. Deborah Abraham seconded the motion, which passed by unanimous vote. 


TREASURER’S REPORT: Doug Rendell reported on the budget as of September 30th, quarter through the fiscal year. Audit is being finalized, after which adjustments will be posted and reflected in the report.



Ron Gagnon –

·         Reported staff continues to work on the NOBLE Digital Library.

·         Attended MBLC public budget hearing.  Network funding issues represented by four predetermined speakers.  Written support was also gathered, Ron submitted information on behalf of NOBLE.  Governor is proposing 1.5% increase for FY2009 MBLC budget, the goal of meeting is to push beyond that 1.5%.

·         NOBLE staff attended NELA conference.

·         Our e-rate request submitted for discounts on our bill was approved.  Working with Atrion investigating ways to improve our Internet connection.  As an initial step an additional module for the Packetshaper was purchased for $3,600.  This will allow Atrion to evaluate and monitor the system more thoroughly and see if there are ways to improve.  Met with Atrion and other networks to discuss the possibility of a group purchase of telecommunications and Internet with an alternative vendor, Paetec.  Awaiting detailed proposal with pricing for comparison.  This will factor into getting alternative proposal for the next Erate filing. 

·         In Martha’s absence Ron reported on her behalf.  She is in later stages of implementing the new server.  Once that is complete the old server will house email, Brightmail which will improve the spam issues.


Elizabeth Thomsen –

·         Five staff attended NELA Conference.  Reported on what sessions were attended.

·         WordPress session on December 4th.  Many libraries using it for blogs and web pages.  As part of rebuilding the Staff Information System, she is beginning to move NOBLE pages to Wordpress.

·         Reported on Annual Circ Review sessions held, all libraries were represented.  Following up on issues that were discussed.  Trying to do more training using Courseware. 

·         Collection Management Team is holding a Collection Day on November 8th, 10-2.  Schedule on Staff Information System.  Book displays in the lobby. 

·         Over 30 people signed up for the EBSCO visit on October 30th.

·         MediaWiki session will be held on November 1st.

·         PodCamp Boston will be held October 26th-28th, Elizabeth will be attending.

·         Digital Day at Holy Cross on October 25th hosted by the Digital Commonwealth.  NOBLE staff attending, Ron and Elizabeth will be speaking.



Linda Hummel-Shea explained the budget was presented at last month’s meeting, with vote today.  Ron handed out a spreadsheet with library costs.  Opened the floor for discussion, there was none.  Karen Pangallo proceeded with the roll call vote (copy attached).  The vote was unanimous approval of the FY 2009 Budget from the libraries that were represented.  Libraries not represented at the time of the vote were Bunker Hill C.C., Gloucester, Lynnfield, Marblehead, Middlesex C.C., Montserrat College, Reading, Revere, Salem State, and Stoneham.


Members of the Corporation Meeting                                                                             Page 2

October 18, 2007



Linda Hummel-Shea stated the library was closed suddenly on Monday evening due to structural concerns.  Ron reported they are offline, collection not accessible, and delivery has been stopped.  Library staff is setting up in different locations on campus. Undetermined how long will be closed.



Elizabeth presented the Digital Commonwealth site, which will go public on October 25th.  The Digital Commonwealth is a union catalog of digital collections owned by Massachusetts libraries and other cultural institutions.  The site, which is housed at Boston Public Library, periodically searches various repository sites and harvests data describing their digital collection.  Elizabeth explained it is not federated searching – DC searches an index it compiles.  Collections stay on the repository sites and Digital Commonwealth searches and returns entries with thumbnail.  Libraries can put their items in the repository they belong to -- for NOBLE libraries, it’s the NOBLE Digital Library.  D-Space software is being used to run NOBLE’s Digital Library.  Demonstrated searches and how are displayed.  OAIster, is the standard used for connecting and harvesting the records from local repositories.


Executive Board decided the NOBLE Digital library is a core service – doesn’t cost to use it, but there is a cost to get items digitized.  NOBLE is planning a new Catalog and Digital Librarian position to assist with this and other projects and workflow. There are funds in the budget and Executive Board will be meeting to discuss a job description and funding of the position.   



Elizabeth Thomsen reported:

·         Electronic Resources and Database Working Group are looking at the future of the catalog and how to move to the next release of Innovative catalog.

·         Collection Management Team planning the Collection Day event on November 8th.

·         Resource Sharing Working Group working on the issues of book groups and bulk borrowing.



·         Nadine Mitchell brought up the issue that MBLC is considering changing the standards formula on how the public libraries are certified. 

·         Sharon sent email to directors asking which use security and do regular inventory.  Discussion continued in what libraries do for security. 



Nadine Mitchell made a motion to adjourn.  Barbara Lachance seconded the motion.  The meeting adjourned at 12:00.



Respectfully submitted,




Karen Pangallo
