NOVEMBER 16, 2006


PRESENT:  Eighteen libraries were represented at the meeting, attendance sheet attached.


CALL TO ORDER:  Sue Koronowski called the meeting to order at 10:10. 


APPROVAL OF MINUTES:  Deborah Abraham made a motion to approve Minutes from October 19th meeting.  Barbara Lachance seconded the motion, which passed by unanimous vote.


TREASURER’S REPORT:  In Mary Rose Quinn’s absence, Ron reported 26% of the budget is expended as of 10/31/06. Audit adjustments are reflected.  Barbara Lachance made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report.  Brian Courtemanche seconded the motion, which passed by unanimous vote.



Ron Gagnon

·         Ron passed around a chart and a copy of an email from Rob Maier explaining Gov. Romney’s proposed state budget cuts.  Line item 7000-9506, which networks get funding, is being cut $800,000.  If the funding is cut it may affect our FY 2008 budget, which will be reviewed if cuts aren’t overturned.  Ron will keep the Membership informed.

·         Started paperwork for E-rate filing for next year. 

·         Met with Verizon regarding newer technology for our network.  For the same costs would provide newer technology and more bandwidth.  Have been discussing this with Atrion also. 

·         Executive Board had a discussion on CALEA, Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act.  This is a law passed in 1994 to ensure law enforcement, particularly FBI, has access to newly developing technology for telephone wire tapping. New proposed regulations regarding the Internet will most likely affect library networks.  There is more detailed information on ALA web site.

·         Working on 5-year strategic plan.  Margot Crist has agreed to be the facilitator of our large group meeting.  Tentatively planning the meeting for January.

·         Continue to work on our Digital Library project.  Have not heard back from Danversbank on the grant application.  Also filed a grant with Demoulas Foundation.  LSTA state grant paperwork is out, but not planning any LSTA projects this fiscal year.  Continuing current projects.

·         Attended NELINET Consortia Sponsors meeting.  NOBLE was required to become a consortia member at an increased rate.  Member libraries can attend workshops at a reduced cost. 

·         Attended Network administrators meeting.  Topics discussed were telecommunications protocol, wireless, and security.  Atrion was at the meeting as well.  There was a meeting of Virtual Catalog Governance group.    

·         Legislative Day has been rescheduled to April 5, 2007.


Elizabeth Thomsen

·         Continuing to work on statewide Digital Commonwealth project. Sourcelab was hired to design the site.  NOBLE staff is working on getting our repository set up using Greenstone software.  There will be a Local History meeting later this month.

·         Working groups have begun to meet.  More information will follow.

·         Completed Annual Circ Review sessions.  Circulation Create Lists training has begun, more are scheduled.

·         Kevin Grocki continues to work on web site redesign projects for Everett, Lynn, Lynnfield, Saugus, Swampscott, and Phillips  Elizabeth will do a presentation, “Extreme Makeover – Library Web Site Edition” at MLA.

·         State is working on databases for CODFEST, the demonstration for the next statewide database contract.  It is important for libraries to provide input.  Link on Staff Information System. 

·         Reviewed meeting schedule for January-June, will be on Staff Information System shortly.


Members of the Corporation Meeting                                                                             Page 2 

November 16, 2006                              


Martha Driscoll

·         Release 2006 was loaded on November 7th, the transition went smooth.  This release included 13 digit ISBN compatibility as well as other enhancements.

·         Six libraries are running Envisionware’s PC Reservation software.  There have been minor issues, but are being resolved.  Concentrating on getting PC Reservation loaded.  After Thanksgiving will begin work on Print Management and web modules.

·         Long overdue reports from 2003 have been sent to libraries to review.  9000 items will be purged in January.


Marilyn Graves, NOBLE’s ILL Librarian, announced that NMRLS Board voted to rescind charging shipping fees to borrowing libraries that use the ILL Center to return items.



Elizabeth Thomsen is conducting library site visits for training, discussion, and database set up.  There have been technical issues that are being resolved.  Contract ends June 30th at which time it will be decided if NOBLE will continue with Serials Solutions or even a federated searching product. As part of the grant report a public survey must be submitted.  Libraries should encourage patrons to complete the survey, which is on NOBLE’s main page.  Grant report due November 29th.  Promotional materials for Super Search will be distributed shortly.



This issue came to our attention by library staff because patrons who do not have library cards want to use PC Reservation, which requires a patron card.  NOBLE’s policy requires proof of residency for library card registration.  Libraries could issue a Non-Circulation/Electronic Access Cards, which would allow access to on-line resources, PC Reservation, and other services that require authentication, but not allow patrons to check out or place holds on items.  This is an optional policy libraries can use and reads as follows:


Libraries may issue patron cards without circulation privileges to provide access to online resources, PC reservation systems and other services that require authentication in cases where it is not practical to also provide lending privileges to the patron.

The non-circulation cards can be issued in cases where proof of address is not available. The patron must be affiliated with the library by claimed affiliation with the library’s service area; only one public library patron card is allowed per person.

Holders of non-circulation cards would not be able to check items out of any NOBLE library nor request materials in the web catalog or in person.

To issue non-circulation cards, the library must contact NOBLE to add a non-circulating Ptype to the Innovative system that is coded in the loan rule table to disallow loans. Guidelines for adding these patrons will be maintained by NOBLE, specifying required information. Such cards will expire annually and can be renewed.

Non-circulation cards may be upgraded at any time at the library upon presentation of proof of address. The library will enter the proper information and changing the Ptype accordingly.

The policy was approved by Executive Board and would be part of the Borrower’s Card Policy.  Discussion continued.  Doug Rendell made a motion to accept this policy as an amendment to the Borrower’s Card Policy.  Pat Cirone seconded motion, which passed by unanimous vote.




Members of the Corporation Meeting                                                                             Page 3

November 16, 2006



Elisabeth Tully did a PowerPoint presentation entitled “Get Interactive: Using Library 2.0 Tools and Resources to Reach Millennials”.  Millennials is a term used to describe people born after 1981 into the digital age.  She explained there is a language barrier between younger library users and library staff because they think differently due to being born in the digital age.  The presentation shows ways for librarians to stay connected and communicate with younger users.  Using Library Elf, Wiki’s, and Blogs are ways to communicate and get information out.  The presentation is on the Staff Information System. 



Doug Rendell made a motion to adjourn.  Sharon Gilley seconded the motion.  The meeting adjourned at 11:45.





Respectfully submitted,





Martha Holden
