JUNE 21, 2001

Present: As attached.

1. CALL TO ORDER /WELCOME - Marjorie Hill-Devine. Marjorie called the meeting to order at 10:05. As the outgoing president for this fiscal year Marjorie thanked Executive Board and the NOBLE staff.

2. INCOMING PRESIDENT’S REMARKS - Deborah Abraham - Deborah thanked Marjorie for her leadership and presented her with a gift. She discussed briefly what NOBLE has to look ahead to. Bonnie Strong acknowledged Pat Cloherty, who resigned from Executive Board, for his years of leadership and contributions to NOBLE.

3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES. The Minutes from the April and May meetings were voted. Tom Cesarz made a motion to accept the April and May Minutes, Camilla Glynn seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous.

4. TREASURER’S REPORT - Thomas Scully. Tom reported that as of the end of May there was still 22% of the budget remaining. Ron explained that the Office Insurance line item appears to be overspent, but is actually the result of combining NOBLE’s general liability, boiler/machinery, and electronic data processing policies into one commercial policy package. There was a cost savings as a result of doing this. Camilla Glynn made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, Linda Weinstein seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous.

5. MANAGER’S REPORT - Ronald Gagnon. Ron reported Verizon completed the data line upgrade on May 29th. It is intended to still have Dimension Data continue to monitor our lines. They were proposing a large cost increase but this is being negotiated and is the cost is closer to what we are currently paying. Ron reported that a new Toshiba phone system was installed. This system has voice mail and better interfacing for off-hours emergencies.

NOBLE’s holdings have begun to be listed in the Statewide Virtual Catalog project. We are waiting to get patron placed holds and the new Release up before going any further on the project. When fully implemented the Statewide Virtual Catalog allows patron-placed holds for interlibrary loans. The Interlibrary Loan contract will be renewed for four years with NMRLS. Ron is working out the details with Greg Pronevitz. There was a Circ meeting on June 12th. Major topics discussed were patron-placed holds, hold shelf maintenance, and Release 2001. The new release should be implemented late July. NOBLE staff completed a physical inventory on May 29th.

Ron and Elizabeth attended the IUG meeting in May and reported it went well. Ron also attended ALA with Elizabeth and Marilyn Graves and reported on that. Ron attended a Network Administrators meeting at Minuteman. He reported that MBLC Director Keith Fiels is working to increase LSTA funding.

Elizabeth Thomsen. Elizabeth reported on Millennium Cataloging (MilCat) which is included in Release 2001. Some highlights are that libraries will be able to change data in records, and also the Millennium interface to Create Lists is included. She will be scheduling MilCat training sessions.

Elizabeth reported on the web catalog. We have delayed the implementation of the advanced keyword search due to an issue that we reported to Innovative. In September and October she will be scheduling web catalog training sessions. Over the summer there will be some redesign work done in the catalog.

Elizabeth reported that the netLibrary records have been loaded. The second part of the project is to load the records for the Nelinet collection purchased by Middlesex and Merrimack College. Elizabeth will send out more information.

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Elizabeth reported there was a meeting for libraries whose web sites NOBLE host to review new options on the web server, etc. She will be scheduling Javascript workshops, open to all libraries with a web site.

Elizabeth reported on ALA. Innovative is working on two projects. One is the ability to take a search that was done in the catalog and send it to another web site search engine. Elizabeth discussed having the option to be able to send a search from the catalog to EBSCO. The other project Innovative is working on is XML Harvester Program. This program is used to go to other designated sights and search for anything new, download it, and create a record. Elizabeth discussed incorporating this into our system to go to EBSCO and get the MARC records for our serials. She discussed both of these projects with EBSCO and Innovative and they have agreed to work together on these. Elizabeth also discussed Airpac, which is the wireless web version of the catalog. In the fall NoveList will be coming out with a new release through EBSCO.

Martha Driscoll. Martha reported patron holds in the catalog would begin on July 1st. Martha explained that patrons need to have a PIN number and how it will work in the system. The system looks at the libraries loan rules, and several statuses were set up for items not requestable. Martha reported that we now have the licensed version of EMU Webmail. This is a web based mail program that allows you to connect to the mail server through a browser to get your e-mail. She will be sending out more information when it is running and the URL. She will be working on year-end statistics and the ARIS statistics. She has been looking at the ILL statistics and will be proposing some changes to ILL procedures. Martha reported that George Lally, our PC Support Specialist, has been looking into alternatives to CD-ROM drives. A program called Virtual CD, allows you to copy an image of a CD onto a hard drive. To the computer it looks like it’s a CD drive, but it’s on your hard drive. George has been testing it and it works well. Anyone interested should contact George.

6. COMMISSIONERS UPDATE - Rob Maier. Rob Maier of the Mass. Board of Library Commissioners attended the meeting. He discussed proposed state budget funding for the libraries. The amount proposed is $700k, but the budget distribution is different between the Senate and House. The Senate version would fund $250k among libraries and $450k to be shared between the six regions, where in the House version $600k would go to libraries and $100k would be shared between the six regions. The Committee will be reviewing both versions soon. Another item he discussed was the Telecommunications Resource Sharing Funds, which are the funds to offset telecommunication costs. The Senate budget proposes a $900k increase. This will result in approximately $250k additional telecommunications funds. Also $300k statewide for database licensing is proposed. Rob also discussed federal funding issues. The LSTA program is up for reauthorizing in 2003. The Chief Officers of State Library Agencies (COSLA) has requested that Congress fund the program at $500 million. This would result in an increase from

$3 million to $9 million for Massachusetts. The additional funds would focus on improve services to children, develop a statewide digital library, and to strengthen existing grant programs.

Rob discussed the Statewide Virtual Catalog Project. He handed out a list of current participants. Also the existing licenses for statewide databases are up for renewal this year. Request for Proposals will be sent out to vendors. An advisors group will be formed to offer input on the vendors.

Rob discussed how MBLC is increasing their efforts in public relations. A new public relations position was created and David Gray was hired. Also there will be more advertisement in print and on radio that will be coming out. Ron added that David Gray was out visiting NOBLE recently.

7. NMRLS UPDATE - Greg Pronevitz. Greg reported on items that NMRLS Executive Board approved at their recent meeting. They approved moving forward with a Board planning process of governing NMRLS. They also voted to extent the Memorial Hall Reference Contract through 2003, and to add an

assistant regional administrator to the NMRLS staff. Greg thanked NOBLE staff for letting NMRLS know in advance that patron place holds will be in effect July 1st. NOBLE staff is providing NRMLS

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with a daily update of items going into delivery to assist in monitoring it. MVLC increased immediately 65% when their patron place holds went into effect, and system wide holds increased also. Greg stated that NMRLS delivery budget was increased by 20%.

NMRLS will be hosting a forum sometime between late August and early October for public libraries. The topic will be the Information Gathering Portion of Marketing. Greg sent an e-mail and letter to public library directors.

The NMRLS new training lab will open in July. Also the Masscat Project, which involves five of the regions, is up and running. This system will eventually be part of the Statewide Virtual Catalog. Reference-On-Call is also in effect.


Brochure Committee - The Committee will be meeting tentatively June 25th in Melrose and July 18th in Saugus, to discuss hiring a new designer.

Electronic Resources Working Group - Camilla Glynn reported that at their April meeting they discussed the pros and cons of adding web site records to the catalog. And at their meeting last week they voted unanimously for a limited experiment to add records from web sites to the OPAC. Elizabeth will meet with participants over the summer to set the parameters and limits. The project should be ready in the fall. The participants are John Koza from NSCC, Alec Li from Gordon College, Stephen Pew from SSC, and Elizabeth Thomsen. They will meet again in October.

Database Quality Working Group - Elizabeth Thomsen reported that she sent out a message to directors about the retrospective conversion project. The grant funds received will be used for local history material. More information will be sent over the summer.

9. ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIPS - Tom Scully. Tom passed around a handout that described two new types of membership the Committee is proposing; Associate Members and School System Members. He reviewed the handout. The annual membership fee for Associate Members would be $3,500, which would include the first two terminals, and each additional terminal would be $3,000 per year. The School System Membership would join as a full member and pay the standard membership fee. The school could be a public or private school system. One main school would join and if additional schools in that system want to join they would pay the library branch rate. Tom mentioned that several other networks have provisions for associate members. Potential full members that have been in contact with NOBLE are the Peabody Essex Museum and Gordon-Conwell. There are issues that both are facing and are still in the discussion stage. There was some discussion on how to approach potential school systems and get the word out and how they would be handled if a particular school were administered by a public library. Marjorie asked for a vote on accepting the committee’s report on the two new memberships. All in attendance were in favor except Bonnie Strong, director of Abbot Public Library.

10. REVISION OF NETWORK TRANSFER POLICY. Ron reported that the Executive Board voted at their June meeting to recommend revising the Network Transfer Policy by striking out the phrase "limit holds to their own agency for titles that are checked out at most libraries". Ron explained the reason for this recommendation and this change would have to be followed by all libraries in order for the system to function efficiently. Tom Scully made a motion to approve the recommended revision by Executive

Board, Camilla Glynn seconded the motion. The vote was not unanimous, with Bonnie Strong of Abbot Public Library and Lorraine Jackson of Salem Public abstaining.




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Martha Driscoll passed around handouts that showed the ILL activity from September 2000-May 2001. The chart depicted activity before and after Pick List began on February 12, 2001, along with numbers and percentages. Overall most libraries increased more than .3%.

12. CIPA AND INTERNET E-RATE UPDATE - Ron Gagnon. Ron discussed e-rate funding and how CIPA effects the filtering requirement for our Internet connection. For FY 2002 NOBLE’s e-rate request for Internet is $10,477. However if we accept this funding all PC’s in our public libraries would have to have filtering software. This was discussed at Executive Board and the decision was made to decline the $10k Internet subsidy in order to maintain non-filtered workstations in our public libraries. Tom Scully made a motion: "As recommended by Executive Board, NOBLE declines the E-rate Internet funding if

it means staying in compliance with the Children’s Internet Protection Act."

Bonnie Strong seconded the motion, the vote was unanimous.


Member libraries reported on their budgets from their municipality or institution for FY 2002.

14. ADJOURNMENT. Tom Cesarz made a motion to adjourn; Barbara Lachance seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 12:40.



Respectfully submitted,



Douglas W. Rendell

For Mary Rose Quinn, Secretary