OCTOBER 19, 2000

Present: As attached.

1. CALL TO ORDER/WELCOME - Marjorie Hill-Devine. Marjorie called the meeting to order at 10:00 and thanked Michael Franceschi for hosting the meeting.

2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES. The Minutes from the September 21st meeting were discussed. Marjorie mentioned there was the double use of the word "to" at the end. Also on page 3 under Wages, Salary and Payroll she suggested adding the word "potential" part-time cataloger. Ron explained that this is a budgeted position that will be added in Fiscal Year 2002. Tom Scully made a motion to approve the Minutes, John Beauregard seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous.

3. TREASURER’S REPORT - Thomas Scully. Tom reported we are one-quarter through the fiscal year and expenses are at 25%. Deborah Abraham made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, John Beauregard seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous.

4. MANAGER’S REPORT - Ronald Gagnon. Ron reported that our PC Support Specialist, Dean Baumeister, gave his resignation on September 29th and his last day is October 20th. The position has been advertised and ten applications were received. Interviews have been setup. Ron also reported the audit for fiscal year 2000 is nearing completion, and the HVAC project is just about complete also. A trainer from Innovative, Georgia Fujikawa, was at NOBLE the last two days meeting with staff and consulting and answering questions. NOBLE staff has been working on trying to identify and isolate the freezing issues. It has been determined that freezing occurs seven hours into the day. This was discussed at the circulation roundtable sessions to advise library staff on how to handle this. NOBLE staff is continuing to follow up with III, and the Millennium Circulation project manager may come out to NOBLE. Another item being reviewed is the Millennium interlibrary loan module as a better way for libraries to transmit requests to our ILL Center. The ILL module focuses on outside of the Innovative system, not within. Ron stated the NOBLE staff would be attending the III New England User’s Group conference at UNH on November 2nd.

Elizabeth Thomsen. Elizabeth reported on meetings. There were two Course Reserve Roundtable sessions for the academic libraries. They discussed the areas of course reserves that are on the system and the parts that are not. The idea is that the course reserves materials should be in the catalog and searchable by course. The reason this is not working is that course records aren’t scoped. Elizabeth stated that within the next year course records should be scoped. She has been working on setting up pages for libraries that lists their courses with links. Elizabeth passed around a sample handout of what these pages would look like. Elizabeth reported that the Advanced Create Lists training has begun. Several sessions were on circulation related skills. An area that was reviewed was "follow up on overdues". Elizabeth stated some policies and guidelines should be in place overall for handling this issue. Also the Collection Management Advanced Create Lists sessions has started. It was discussed how the data could be taken off the system and put into Word, Access, or Excel to produce reports. Elizabeth stated five people have been asked to work on test products with NOBLE staff. They are Rhonda Dean from Beverly, Jeff Klapes from Wakefield, Chris Evans from Marblehead, Helen Freeman from Gloucester, and Kathryn Geoffrion from Merrimack.

Martha Driscoll. Martha reported on the Circulation Roundtable sessions. There were two for public libraries and one for college libraries. One issue that was discussed was the "long overdue process". At the sessions Michele handed out a statement of charges and statement of checkouts notice that can be printed on demand and libraries can follow up with patrons whenever they want. Also discussed was the

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October 19, 2000

enhancement process with Innovative. The enhancements that NOBLE staff have submitted are

documented on the Staff Information System and circ staff was shown where to find them. Martha stated that there are going to be four releases to the software this year so many of the enhancements may be coming with the next release. Also discussed were software problems and bugs, particularly the freezing issue. It was determined that when sounds are turned on PC’s freeze seven hours after the PC performs the first sound. Circulation staff was told to shut down MilCirc and start it up again before the seven hours is up. Another issue that was brought up was training. Martha stated a task force was going to put together some documentation as a quick reference sheet to keep at the circulation desk for staff.

Martha reported a couple of new features were added. For the colleges a new patron block called a "college block" was added to the patron record. This is an administrative block that is intended to remind staff that the patron owes money on books. Also the telephone number index was set up, so staff can search for patrons by telephone number. Martha reported the ILL module is going to be set up on the training system and NOBLE staff will review it. The Suburban Library System had some special development done for their ILL’s. That software is available to us and it was loaded on our training system. Martha and Michele will be testing it to see if it will work for NOBLE.

Martha stated she would be attending the ARIS workshop in November. The discussion will be on what kinds of data to track and changes to be made for next year’s form. Martha reported the telecomm upgrade is continuing and after this week nine sites are left to changeover.

In regard to Create Lists Elizabeth reported new fields were added to the item records: Grant, Program, and Gift. Also two Create Lists Help sessions have been scheduled one on October 31st and November 30th. At these sessions library staff can bring their own projects and NOBLE staff will answer questions and assist them.


Camilla Glynn reported the Electronic Resources Working Group (ERWG) met four times so far. Net Library was among the discussions. Camilla presented a formal recommendation to Executive Board last week, which the Board approved. That recommendation was:

"Electronics Resources Working Group (ERWG) recommends that MARC records for

full-text EBSCO journal titles be added to the NOBLE database as soon as practical.

Details of record construction and display will be resolved by NOBLE staff in

consultation with the Electronic Resources Working Group if required".

The ERWG will be meeting again the first week of December. Committee members are Camilla Glynn, Marjorie Hill-Devine, Mary Rose Quinn, Jeff Klapes, Lois McMullin, Alec Li, Barbara Lachance, and John Koza.

Tom Scully reported the New Members Committee met once. The meeting was to discuss development criteria on two areas; a) who we would want to approach as new members, and b) what to do if NOBLE is approached by a library and how to evaluate them.

Marjorie Hill-Devine reported the Brochure Committee has met and she talked about some of the ideas and designs that were discussed. It was decided to do away with the map that is on the current brochure and to list the names, phone numbers, and URL’s of libraries. Committee members are Marjorie, Ron Gagnon, Mary Rose Quinn, Dennis Kelley, Gwendolyn Charter, and Cheri Coe. Ron will do the narrative for the brochure.

Another committee, Database Quality Committee, is just being formed.

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6. FY2002 NOBLE BUDGET RATIFICATION VOTE. Marjorie stated the assessments went down slightly due to the increase in the number of staff users in one library. Ron reported that Lynn added three staff users and Lynnfield decreased their count by one, therefore this lowered the per user fee to $941/staff user. Tom Scully made a motion to approve the Fiscal Year 2002 budget, John Beauregard seconded the motion. Secretary Mary Rose Quinn, took a roll call vote, copy is attached. The vote was unanimous.

7. EBSCO RENEWAL CONTRACT - Ronald Gagnon. The present EBSCO contract expires on December 31, 2000. Ron passed around handouts and discussed the relationship with EBSCO over the past five years. They started with 350 titles in the main database and are currently up to 1,850 titles. We received some preliminary pricing from EBSCO, as well as information and costs from Gale/InfoTrac.

EBSCO’s general periodical database is more than four times larger than the basic Gale/InfoTrac periodical database provided by the MBLC and NMRLS. On one of the handouts was a comparison of the full text titles between EBSCO and Gale, and EBSCO provides more of the titles in their basic database that NOBLE libraries use. The Executive Board voted to continue with EBSBO uniformly for all members and to get a cost benefit with a multi-year contract. Ron stated the exact pricing and terms will be discussed during the negotiations, but the goal is to maintain the cost as it is and keep the current databases the same or add more. Linda Shea asked how the payment structure would work since Northern Essex currently pays MCCLPHEI for their database subscriptions. Ron explained that MCCLPHEI receives a credit of $3,500 for the state and community colleges that subscribe to EBSCO through NOBLE. Lori Stalteri made a motion to renew the EBSCO contract, Tom Scully seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous.

8. CATALOG VIEW OF ELECTRONIC RESOURCES - Elizabeth Thomsen. Elizabeth explained that the ERWG is trying different ways to get resources into NOBLE’s catalog. Namely ERWG wants to get the EBSCO journal titles into our catalog. Elizabeth stated an ALA task force presented a report at last years ALA mid-winter meeting on cataloging standards for putting journal titles in catalogs. Elizabeth reviewed a sample handout on how a search would look in the catalog. Also it would have to be decided as to often we would update and maintain the titles from EBSCO. Elizabeth stated that ideally any journal titles that a library owns whether they are in regional or private databases should be in the catalog. The title lists would have to be turned into MARC records. Elizabeth also reviewed a guideline for the use of Field 856 in bib records for owned items to provide links to related web sites. Elizabeth also talked about Net Library that is available with III. There was some discussion on obtaining statistics on items that patrons obtain electronically and print out as opposed to actually checking out an item.

Carol Gray, acting director of Gloucester, announced that the director’s position is being re-advertised.

9. ADJOURNMENT. Michael Franceschi made a motion to adjourn, Carol Gray seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 12:00.



Respectfully submitted,



Mary Rose Quinn
