JUNE 22, 2000

Present: As attached.

1. CALL TO ORDER/WELCOME – Marjorie Hill-Devine. Marjorie called the meeting to order at 10:10. Marjorie announced Winthrop has hired an assistant director/reference librarian, Ann Gutting. Tom Cesarz announced that Endicott has successfully bid for the Bradford collection. Marjorie also reported that an Electronic Resources Committee has been appointed to study the feasibility of cataloging electronic resources. Committee members are Camilla Glynn, chairperson, Barbara Lachance, and Mary Rose Quinn. Two meetings are scheduled in July.

2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES. The Minutes from May’s meeting were not completed.

3. TREASURER’S REPORT – Thomas Cesarz. Tom reported spending is on target and that a surplus is expected which will be put into capital. Camilla Glynn made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, Bonnie Strong seconded it. The vote was unanimous.

4. RECOGNITION OF OUTGOING OFFICERS – Marjorie Hill-Devine. Marjorie presented Tom Cesarz and Sue Koronowski with gifts for their service as treasurer and secretary respectively.

5. SHARON GILLEY – Sharon discussed an issue that has come up in regard to NMRLS awarding the after hours Reference Service contract to Reading Public Library. Andover Public was the other bidder and they were concerned how awarding this contract to Reading will effect their basic supplemental reference contract. The MA Board of Library Commissioners, who needs to approve the contract, found out about this controversy at the last minute. Therefore they deferred approval of the contract until July 20th. Sharon discussed further Andover’s concerns and the services they provide with the contracts they have with NMRLS. She also mentioned that the MBLC is developing standards for eligibility for libraries to bid on these contracts. The discussion continued. It was pointed out that although Andover’s contracts with NMRLS is to provide services to the whole region, NOBLE libraries don’t use the service due the geographic location. Also it was pointed out that the standards shouldn’t be set to accommodate Andover just because they have had the contracts for many years and they shouldn’t expect to be awarded the contracts every time.

6. MANAGER’S REPORT – Ron Gagnon. Ron reported that on June 6th there was a power outage at NOBLE that lasted seven hours. The transformer that serves our building was leaking fluid and needed to be shut down and replaced immediately. The battery back up system lasted three hours. After that an orderly shut down was done at 4:30. When the systems were brought back up the large central router had a problem with a memory chip which was replaced by Dimension Data. Ron also reported that Executive Board approved replacing the HVAC unit that serves the training and meeting rooms. Currently there is one unit that serves both rooms. Two separate units will be installed to service each room, as well as separate thermostats in each room. Executive Board approved $25,000 out of capital for the cost. The cost will be replenished from the year end surplus. The work will be done some time over the summer. Ron also explained that our square foot rent charge is low because NOBLE takes on more responsibility for the interior maintenance which includes maintaining and replacing the HVAC units. Ron also mentioned that the Region has a committee studying the issue of dual ILL Centers. NOBLE sent information on the Center to the Region. Doug Rendell is chairman of the committee. NOBLE does have

the contract for another fiscal year, after that will go out to bid. Doug reported that the Board decided that the contract would be extended until FY 2004.




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Elizabeth Thomsen. Elizabeth reported on serials. Salem State has been working with NOBLE staff on this and data was loaded into their unit. Salem State is working on beginning their serials check in process. Once Salem State is settled, more information on training and options available will be sent. Elizabeth also stated that moving data from other sources into the Innopac and from the Innopac into other programs such as Excel would be discussed.

Elizabeth reported there were two work flow sessions on Course Reserves. The sessions are round table discussion groups where people share information with each other. In October there will be two more follow up workflow sessions. Elizabeth will be sending out a survey to members on the status of their library web sites. It will be an on-line form. The reason for the survey is to update the directory pages we have on NOBLE’s web site so patrons can link to libraries web sites. Also Elizabeth wants to open the web site e-mail list to libraries whose web sites are not hosted by NOBLE. Also there will be a workflow session in the fall for all libraries that have web sites, whether NOBLE hosts them or not.

Elizabeth reported on Web Trends, which is a program that gets information off our web server and can generate reports. This is being run for libraries whose web site we host. It can show when people get errors and what link they followed to get to the web site. Elizabeth would like to put access to the reports for the children’s and public web sites on the Staff Information System.

Also Elizabeth reported on Create List training. These have been introductory sessions for people to get use to the program and what it can do. There will be one session in July and one in August. After that there will be one introductory session per quarter for new hires and others. She is encouraging people to try it out over the summer and share information. This will help for the advanced sessions that will be held in the fall. These will be specialized sessions in four groups: circulation, tech services, collection management, and children services.

Martha Driscoll. Martha reported she attended the ARIS workshop at NMRLS. The ARIS form was reviewed; there are a few changes this year. She is planning on providing those statistics to libraries hopefully in a form that is easy to see where to get the data from and where to put it in the ARIS form. She has been working with Mary Litterst over the past couple of months to come up with a guide that is specific to NOBLE. Martha also reported that circulation training is starting next week. There are five sessions scheduled. Some items that were new in Release 2 will be reviewed, as well as a general review for procedures. There was some concern that Release 3 would be out before all the libraries had a chance to come in for training, but Release 3 isn’t expected out until this summer. The training sessions are limited to two people per library. Training has also been going on for Web Management Reports with Excel. There was one Basic Workshop for Excel held, but the Region also has some scheduled that people can attend. Doug Rendell asked if the statistics for the ARIS form would be available in July. Martha stated "yes" and that they would also be available on the web. Mary is working on a web page that will allow libraries to link to their statistics in an Excel document. Martha will start merging the statistics from the two systems in the beginning of July and should have the reports out by the end of July.

7. MILLENNIUM COOL STUFF - Elizabeth did a presentation on different ways to get to the web catalog and how searches get to the web server. NOBLE has official web catalog pages that are on the Innopac server and this is what the catalog is pointing to in your library. The three pieces of information the server needs to perform a search is search terms, search type, and scope level. She showed how this is done. This is the main way searches are performed. Elizabeth showed three different methods that searches can be done. One way is to use "Search Boxes To Go". This is a form that is on the Staff Information System that can be cut and paste into any web page for use in your library. Another way is "Linking Into The Catalog" where you can add catalog searches as links to any web page. The last way is to use "Search Short Cuts" where you can add a search short cut to your personal toolbar on your browser. All this information will be on the Staff Information System under "Beyond The Web Catalog". Also Elizabeth discussed briefly "My Millennium".

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Martha Driscoll. Martha passed around a report she downloaded into Excel and did a presentation on how she did this in Web Management Reports. She explained Excel can get external data and do a web query. Martha showed how macros can be run and saved, and used again to create new reports.

Martha also reported she received an e-mail message from III highlighting some of the enhancements in Milcirc 3. She forwarded the message to the circulation librarians. One of the main changes that is coming is the priority to local holds. Other changes are merging duplicate patron records, scoping and title holds, changes to when patron blocks are evaluated. Milcirc 3 is scheduled to be released during the summer; no date has been set yet. Also a fourth release is due out later in the year.

8. DATA NETWORK UPGRADE – Ron Gagnon. Ron reported we signed a contract with Bell Atlantic to replace all data lines going to the libraries as well as into NOBLE. An installation schedule will be sent by the end of the week and they are hoping to do two locations each day. Tentatively scheduled to start libraries July 8th or 9th, and will be at NOBLE on July 18th. Also Data Comm will need to reprogram the routers at all the locations. The cost will be $500 per location, for an approximate total cost of

$16K-$20K, that will come out of capital that it is expected by the year end surplus. The other costs will be covered by some MBLC funds remaining that we received for the three new libraries. Ron also reported we are changing our Internet Service Provider to Genuity. That change will be in effect late July or early August.

9. ADJOURNMENT. Camilla Glynn made a motion to adjourn, Bonnie Strong seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 12:10.



Respectfully submitted,



Sue Koronowski