Anatomy of a Line Item

  • Line items represent bibliographic records on a selection list or purchase order.
  • One line item corresponds to one bibliographic record. Line items contain attributes, which are characteristics of the bibliographic record, such as ISBNs or Title.
  • Line items contain copy information, price information, and notes and alerts.
  • A single line item can have multiple copies.

Line Item Elements:

Cover image

Bibliographic information:

  • Title – links to a display of the acquisition record and the MARC record
  • Author
  • Publication Date
  • Publisher
  • Vendor Code

Origin of the record:

  • native-evergreen-catalog – the record is in our database
  • loc – the record was pulled in from the Library of Congress
  • blank – the record was created using the New Brief Record form

Order Identifier – allows you to select an ISBN, UPC, or ISSN from the bibliographic record, to identify the specific edition you want to order.

#number – The ID number for the line item

Number of Owned Copies Attached to Bib Record – Indicates the number of copies attached to the bib record that are owned by your library. A “0” in black displays if no copies are owned. A red number displays indicating the number of copies owned. Displays in Selection Lists and Pruchase Orders. The count does not include copies linked to the lineitem in question nor does it include copies that are in some form of lost, missing, or discard status.

Catalog Link:

  • –>catalog – link to the record in the catalog
  • –>link to catalog – performs a search in the catalog so that you can see if it already exists in the database, and allow you to link to it if it does. Before Release 2.2, this was the only way to load a copy into the database without creating a duplicate.

Worksheet – The line item worksheet can be printed out. Note that if there is an alert message or note, it will print on the worksheet.

Name of the selection list the line item came from. In this case “Lawn Care.” This is a link back to the originating selection list. This link does not display if the line item has not reached the purchase order stage.

requests – Patron requests. (Not using the feature currently)

view invoice(s) – links to the invoice that contains the line item, if any.

queue – contains the bib records that were loaded to create the PO.

Expand – allows you to quickly see copy information for the line item. There is also an Expand All link at the top of the line item list that will expand all line items in the PO all at once.

copies(1) – link to the copy form where you can add or edit copies for the individual line item. The copies link displays the number of copies you are ordering.

notes(1) – links to a screen where you can add, edit or read notes and alerts associated with the line item. If the line item has an alert, a red flag displays. The alert will pop up when the copy is received.

Line item actions menu:

Unavailable actions are greyed out on this menu. These actions apply only to the individual line item.

  • Update Barcodes – takes you to the unified volume/copy editor where you can catalog your item.
  • Holdings Maint. – takes you to the Holding Maintenance screen.
  • Claims(0 existing) – displays the number of claims associated with the line item.
  • View History – allows you to view the history of the line item.

State or Status of the line item. Can be updated manually or by the system.
Possible values are:

  • new – Automatic. Appears when adding a new line item to a selection list or purchase order.
  • selector-ready – Manually set. Can only be used in Selection Lists. You might use this if you want a selector to review the line items to be purchased. Line items can be searched and retrieved by state by using one of the search interfaces.
  • order-ready – Manually set. Can only be used in Selection Lists. You might use this if you have someone do a final review of the line items to be purchased.
  • pending-order – Automatic. The line item has reached the purchase order stage but the purchase order has not yet been activated.
  • on-order – Automatic. The line item is in a purchase order that has been activated.
  • received – Manually. Individually or in batch when invoicing.
  • cancelled – Manually or automatically by by an EDI order response, if using that functionality.

Estimated Price – Enter the estimated price of the item. For example 10 for ten dollars, or 10.95 if there is change involved. This is the price that will carry over automatically to the copy record. This price can be changed when you catalog the item.